Saturday, August 12, 2017

# homeschool # kids

Week 6- Apple Unit

Hey there homeschool mamas! Welcome to week 6 of our Kindergarten Homeschool! I am so excited to show you what we've done and how it's going every week! If you're curious about our curriculum, my son, or our homeschool room, check out this post!

This is week 6 and I can't believe how quickly it's going by! Our unit this week was apples. I wasn't as excited for this week, since we have done an apple unit in preschool and pre-k. I'm happy to say, that I was pleasantly surprised with everything we learned!

As usual, he loves the song this week, Johnny Appleseed. I have found showing him via video keeps his attention and he actually learns it this way, rather than listening to me read it. Another Disney video for the win!

On Day 1, we read, Apple Fractions. It's an informative book that uses apples to teach fractions. Liam wasn't too into it, but it served it's purpose. On Day 4, he had broken a piece of chalk that he uses for his chalkboard. "Look mom, it's 1/2!" So hey, must have learned something!!

I won't lie, I love MFW, but I can feel Liam and I getting bored. The book suggestions, activities, songs, etc are great. We really enjoy that, however, some of the worksheets are repetitive. They are different in their information, but the same in their execution. I am such a by the book person, I didn't want to go off course. However, I knew I needed to spice it up.

On Day 1, we were to make an apple graph. Being as we don't go to the grocery until the end of the week and having an awful case of mom brain, I totally forgot to buy apples! I ended up finding this apple graph on pinterest. It was print and go! I didn't have to prep it ahead of time, like the book called for, didn't need the apples that I had forgotten, and this version was more fun! We took a pencil and a paper clip, then used it as our spinner, and charted our results. Liam was pretty upset red didn't win, but he did a great job graphing!

Some of the activities this week were a little more work than I wanted to get into. I already knew I'd make the apple pie from our book, so I didn't really want to make much else. Day 2 suggested making applesauce. Not going to happen. We ended up doing applesauce letter tracing on Day 1 anyways. We decided to just do apple stamping instead of homemade applesauce.

We did decide to do the apple decoration and I'm glad we did. Liam enjoyed cutting open the apple, finding the shape, counting and studying the seed, having a snack, and making some cool art. He checks back every day to see how dry it is. It looks neat already!

As with previous weeks, he had his Biblical Concept card memorized by day 3. He can also recite all of the previous weeks. He melts my mommy heart!

We decided to make the apple pie to go along with How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World. He enjoyed finding the countries on his globe as well. When it came to cooking the pie, he was all in. Until he realized he had to get him hands messy. Sensory processing disorder at it's finest folks. I ended up making the pie solo, but he was very excited to watch it bake, checking the time during the cooling process, and finally eating it! He told me I did a great job and that he was proud of me. So...I guess it was worth the hard work! I've never made a pie before, so while it wasn't the pretties thing, I'd say I did a pretty good job!

I had found another worksheet I thought Liam would enjoy. He asked about it all week, and on day 4 we finally did it. He did a good job with it. It wasn't anything too special and I figured he'd do okay.

The books we read this week were: Apple Fractions, How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, Johnny Appleseed, and Grasshopper on the Road.

I know I have said it before, but I just can not believe how well he is doing! It's so important to me that he is learning real life information, life skills, and having fun. I can honestly say, he is doing that, and doing it well!

Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 |Week 10
Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15
Week 16 | Week 17 | Week 18 | Week 19 | Week 20
Week 21 | Week 22 | Week 23 | Week 24 | Week 25
Week 26 | Week 27 | Week 28 | Week 29 | Week 30
Week 31 | Week 32

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