Saturday, August 5, 2017

# homeschool # kids

Week 5- Leaf Unit

Hey there homeschool mamas! Welcome to week 5 of our Kindergarten Homeschool! I am so excited to show you what we've done and how it's going every week! If you're curious about our curriculum, my son, or our homeschool room, check out this post!

This week was our leaf unit. This was our L unit, so as you can guess, Liam was all about it! Not only does Liam start with "L", but so does his favorite, Lightning McQueen. There was a lot of "luh, luh" around our house this week!

I found our song this week on youtube. Liam has been singing it nonstop! I love that!

He also has mastered every letter sound! We've been doing our song since week 1 and he can now identify the letter name and sound. I also find him singing the "A-a-Apple Song" quite frequently.  

This week, I decided I wanted to do our cuisenaire rods to day 4. Day 1 just seemed so packed and he is not a huge fan of the rods. They take patience, which is something he struggles with. Day 4 has no worksheets, so it seemed to be the best place to put it. It seemed to really help. He wasn't fidgety doing them and took his time, with minimal irritation. #win

He enjoyed this week a lot! He loved learning about leaves. We made a leaf rubbing; painted leaf outlines; tied a plastic bag to the tree and saw the moisture it caught; learned the parts of the leaves; learned how they get nutrients from the sun and feed the rest of the tree. 

As I have mentioned before, video tools help Liam a lot. He watched a Sid the Science kid episode about leaves and it really reiterated everything he learned and taught him some new concepts as well.

Speaking of concepts, Liam learned another Biblical Concept this week. I am so impressed with how well he is memorizing them!

He really enjoyed the book, Caps for Sale. We stacked hats on his head and had him dance around to his classical music. He thought it was hilarious!

Books we read this week were: A Tree is Nice, Caps for Sale, Why Do Leaves Change Colors, and Look What I Did with a Leaf. 

Liam is really starting to explore things on his own now, telling other people about it, and just reinforcing everything he is learning. I am so excited to see what else he accomplishes!

Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 |Week 10
Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14 | Week 15
Week 16 | Week 17 | Week 18 | Week 19 | Week 20
Week 21 | Week 22 | Week 23 | Week 24 | Week 25
Week 26 | Week 27 | Week 28 | Week 29 | Week 30
Week 31 | Week 32

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